Saturday 20 February 2021

Project: Network of English Teacher Researchers in Uzbekistan (NETRUZ)

Dear English Language Teachers of Uzbekistan,

We are so happy to let you know that a new network of teacher-researchers is being set up by the following teacher educators:

Elyanora Menglieva, Nilufar Begibaeva, and Inomiddin Imomov.

Within this new project, we would like to 

  • fill in the communication and collaboration gap between university and school EFL teachers;
  • develop EFL teachers' research competencies;
  • improve local English language teachers' context-appropriate methodologies.
To achieve the aforementioned project objectives, we will organise various workshops to train English language teacher-researchers and teacher research mentors, allow teachers and mentors to share their teaching experience via this forum, and, most importantly, organize the 1st Conference of English Teacher Researchers by the end of 2021.

Best wishes,
Elyanora, Nilufar, and Inomiddin.