Tuesday 28 November 2023

Call for speakers: NETRUZ workshops/seminars in 2024

The NETRUZ is planning to organize a series of online workshops and seminars in 2024. The main aims of launching this initiative are to promote best teaching practices and serve as a platform for teachers to exchange ideas and expertise in teaching English as a foreign or a second language. We believe in shared learning, i.e. teachers can learn from each other and thus help one another. We intend to build a stronger learning community of active teachers and researchers who believe in accessible continuous professional development opportunities.

We are inviting teachers, teacher educators, teacher trainers, and researchers to share their expertise with the NETRUZ community. The topics can vary but should be relevant to English language education, research, teacher education, and early childhood education (teaching English to young learners).

If you are interested in sharing your expertise, please register your interest via this Google form. In this form, you are asked to provide your contact details and details about your workshop or seminar. The deadline to express your interest in delivering an online seminar or a workshop is December 25, 2023.

Please note that the workshops/seminars are on a voluntary basis which means we don't expect anyone to pay for anything. All the workshops are free to present and attend.

NETRUZ appreciates you and your contribution to the community.

Looking forward to meeting you all in New Year - 2024. 😃

Monday 20 November 2023

Teacher-Research Training: 3rd cohort

Dear English language teachers of Uzbekistan,

NETRUZ: Network of English Teacher Researchers in Uzbekistan is pleased to announce the next training on classroom-based research, namely exploratory action research, that will be organized online for English language teachers and teacher educators.

If you would like to improve your research skills, explore your teaching practices, and develop your collaborative and reflective learning through our workshops and regular meetings, you should then JOIN our training program which will start on November 27, 2023!

This training is for English language teacher educators who would like to expand their knowledge and improve their teaching practices and research skills. The training will last for 2 months: December 2023 and January 2024.
  • Are you a teacher who is interested in doing classroom-based research?
  • Are you a teacher who is interested in finding solutions and improving your classroom practices?
  • Are you working in a school, a university, a lyceum, or a college?
  • Can you dedicate a minimum of three hours every week (or more if you like) to training and doing research?
If yes, please register your interest using the Google form till November 27, 2023. The link is here.

Best wishes,